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3 Benefits Of Trail Running For Crossfitters

The most important factor in almost any Crossfit workout is the ability to avoid hitting lactate threshold or “redline” for as long as you can, and the best way to train for that is to run.

Although many Crossfit competitions do not include running in their events many workouts at your local Crossfit box do and it is still a vital part of training that can not be overlooked.

Running is the best bang for your buck when it comes to conditioning your body and building your engine. It’s true that there are various ways to improve your breathing, but if you want the most results in the quickest time frame running is the way to go.

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Trail running takes things a step further and allows you to see results faster while also gifting you with other benefits that flat running does not.

The Benefits Of Trail Running For Crossfitters

1. Improved muscle endurance

Muscle endurance is how long you can you push the same muscles until you get lactate acid buildup forcing you to stop vs. aerobic capacity where the only thing stopping you is your breathing.

As opposed to street running or running on a treadmill, trail running gives you aspects of incline, decline, and lateral training which all provide benefits for improved muscle endurance.

When running up a steep hill you are not just utilizing your calves but also working your lower back and hamstrings since your body is in a constant bent over position similar to that of a good-morning.

When running downhill you are using primarily quads and your internal stabilizer muscles.

By training with longer trail runs your body will become accustomed to using these muscles for extended periods of time which will in turn make them less prone to fatigue during workouts.

2. Knee pain prevention

Sometimes a reason why people choose not to run and train for longer durations is because of the intense knee pain that comes from it. This is caused by repetitive pounding on the same knee joints.

Trail running does not give you this type of joint pain as you are often using more muscles than joints and you are rarely running in a straight, flat line.

While trail running you often have to run on rocks, run around them, take sharp turns, jump sideways, or maneuver yourself in a variety of different ways and this may seem annoying during the time but in reality all those little moves are a benefit.

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All those various adjustments actually strengthen the muscle in ways your body is not used to and that in turn helps prevent your knees against pain and injury.

3. Improved aerobic endurance through altitude training

“The measure of the amount of oxygen in the body that can be converted into energy from the food a person eats is known as VO2. This works through the conversion of the eaten food into adenosine triphosphate. Conversely, in terms of measuring how much an athlete has improved when it comes of performance, the term is known as VO2 max. This condition is achieved by training at high altitudes and ensures improved performance and endurance.” – ConnectUsFund.org

Can’t say it any better than that. Find an awesome mountain and go for a run on it, do that enough times and watch your conditioning skyrocket.

Trail running is something that may seem miserable but if you get a group of friends to go with you maybe once a week for a couple hours you will probably enjoy yourself more than you think.

If you’re looking for an edge over your competition or you feel a plateau in your training give trail running a try.


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