
Strength Sports and Strength Supplements

Tag: aerobic capacity

  • Best Supplement to Increase Your VO2 Max in 2023: Full Review

    Best Supplement to Increase Your VO2 Max in 2023: Full Review

    This thorough review looks at which supplements are best at helping you to improve and increase your Vo2 max in the shortest amount of time.

  • 7 Undeniable Benefits of The Rogue Echo Bike

    7 Undeniable Benefits of The Rogue Echo Bike

    The Rogue Echo exercise bike is a perfect “desert island tool”, the one piece of fitness equipment that you would want to have if you were stranded on a desert island. I have never encountered a piece of equipment that I find more valuable and more versatile than the echo bike other than a barbell….

  • 3 Benefits Of Trail Running For Crossfitters

    3 Benefits Of Trail Running For Crossfitters

    The most important factor in almost any Crossfit workout is the ability to avoid hitting lactate threshold or “redline” for as long as you can, and the best way to train for that is to run. Although many Crossfit competitions do not include running in their events many workouts at your local Crossfit box do…

  • Marathon Row Comparison: Crossfit Games Athletes VS Indoor Rowing World Record Holders

    Marathon Row Comparison: Crossfit Games Athletes VS Indoor Rowing World Record Holders

    This was an event that basically no one saw coming and with not having spent any time practicing this distance on a row before, these athlete’s times are pretty respectable. If you were curious about just how far off the Crossfit Games athletes were from a world record time in the Marathon Row event, below…

  • The Crossfit Triple: Measure Your Fitness

    The Crossfit Triple: Measure Your Fitness

    You know about the weightlifting totals of strength specialists such as: The Olympic Lifter total = Max snatch + max clean and jerk The Power Lifter Total = Max squat + max deadlift + max bench The great thing about these numbers is that it allows you to determine the level of athlete someone is…

  • Weighted Box Step Overs For Elite Muscle Endurance

    Weighted Box Step Overs For Elite Muscle Endurance

    A lot of people get muscle endurance and aerobic capacity confused. They are similar in the way that they are designed for long periods of performance, however they are training different systems and are not the same thing. In order to improve one or the other you have to train them differently, but don’t focus…

  • Benefits of Beet Juice For Crossfit Athletes

    Benefits of Beet Juice For Crossfit Athletes

    Before we dive into the science of how beets increase athletic performance, we will start with this. Beets have a lot of nitrates and nitrites. Nitrates and nitrites are an endurance athlete’s best friend. How beet juice can give you an advantage in Crossfit Improve your lactate threshold (Max sustainable pace) One source states that…