
Strength Sports and Strength Supplements

Tag: workouts

  • 10 Core Cashouts To Try After a WOD

    10 Core Cashouts To Try After a WOD

    One of my favorite things about coaching is coming up with a cashout when we have some left over time after a WOD. The members always love doing it and even after they’re done and are lying in pain they’re happy they did it. The great thing about a core cashout is that it allows…

  • Crossfitters: Don’t Forget The Bench Press

    Crossfitters: Don’t Forget The Bench Press

    I used to be a globo-gym guy at 24 hour fitness that would hit bench once a week on Monday just like everyone else, but that was B.C. (Before Crossfit). Now I have probably done bench only about 2 times in the last few months which is pretty much just like everyone else in my…

  • Crossfit Workouts To Do When Your Back Hurts

    Crossfit Workouts To Do When Your Back Hurts

    If you’ve recently tweaked your back, probably by some sort of heavy olympic lifting (which was most likely deadlifts), but still want to continue your training there are still workouts you can do.     If your body was just sore you would probably push through it no problem knowing it’s nothing serious since you’re…