
Strength Sports and Strength Supplements

best protein drinks 2020

3 Benefits of “Muscle Monster” Protein Drink

The typical routine of someone that works out in the morning is as follows:

  • Wake up slowly
  • Drink coffee or pre-workout
  • Workout
  • Drink coffee again
  • Leave for work

Because of the rush to get to work right after the gym people often skip post-workout meals and just reach for their coffee due to lack of time.

Unfortunately when you skip that meal you are effectively missing out on everything you’ve worked for.

“Consuming carbohydrates, proteins, and some fats after exercising helps to encourage muscle protein production, and promote recovery with the best results.”


Fortunately a drink has been created by Monster that solves the trials of the morning exerciser.

3 Benefits of “Muscle Monster” Protein Drink

1) Research Recommended Amount of Protein and Caffeine

You may not know it yet but Muscle Monster is actually one of the most rated and highest rated protein drinks on Amazon as well as being Amazon’s choice which recommends highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately.

best protein drinks 2020

This is because Muscle Monster has 27 grams of protein while also delivering 157mg of caffeine, and only 9g of total sugar.

“Monster has started producing an energy shake that combines the amount of protein recommended for longevity (27g) along with the amount of caffeine recommended for nootropic benefit (157mg).”


Drinking one of these after your workout will not only allow you to skip meal prep, but also absorb all of your protein needs as well as give you the perfect amount of caffeine heading into the work day.

2) Low Average Meal Cost

The average cost of a Starbucks coffee is $2.75 while the average cost of a protein drink is $2.99. That would cost you $5.75 per day or $115/month assuming you workout 20 days/month.

Meanwhile a 24 pack of Muscle Monster would only cost $50 and you would have both your protein and caffeine needs met while saving time and skipping lines.

Best protein drinks 2020

“Fret not! Enjoy this delicious shake… I switched from my normal protein shake and a Starbucks coffee in the morning to just this!”

Derek – Aug. 12 2019

3) Considered The Best Tasting Protein Drink

Taste is important and don’t ever let anyone tell you it isn’t. When something tastes good as well as provides a health benefit, chances are that person will incorporate that item into their routine.

When you make protein consumption a routine you’re going to see progress.

According to 148 five star reviews Muscle Monster is the best tasting protein drink currently on the market.

best tasting protein drink 2020

“I usually do not like the way energy drinks or protein drinks taste. These are my favorite energy drink. They taste the best and give me a boost. They are always out at all of the stores I go to. I found them on Amazon and the price is great too. This is my second case!”

Chris Dec. 10 2019

“A fairly strong hit of Caffeine and Protein make this a quick morning solution for heading out the door without skipping breakfast nutrition and an AM wake me up. The taste is great and the consistency is just a bit shy of milkshake.”

Crecode Nov. 1 2019

“As an avid bodybuilder, this kind of Monster drink was long overdue! It makes a wonderful pre-workout drink and also a nice mid-meal snack to get you through the day. I LOVE the chocolate and my SO loves the vanilla. 27 grams of protein in a yummy drink, ready to go when you need it. I wish all convenience stores stocked this stuff…

Months have went by since my initial review and I still have not found a better ready-to-drink protein drink like these. Try them!”

Roy M. May 14

One last thing we would like to point out: some customers have left negative reviews due to a misunderstanding of the product expiration date, which was cleared up by another customer here:

“I, like many, was concerned to see “2017” on the product. The assumption was this drink either expired in 2017, or it was made in 2017. Either way, it sounded nasty. I emailed Monster, and they clarified it. See the image attached. Look at the “A1902SF”; this is what matters. The “A” is the month of production (A = January, and so on), the “19” is the year (2019). The “02” is the day, and “SF” is the location. So this product was produced on January 2nd, 2019 in San Francisco.”

With the new year 2 weeks away many people are looking to start new fitness routines, with the boost of caffeine this drink brings it may be just what is needed to keep them motivated.

Give Muscle Monster a try

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