
Strength Sports and Strength Supplements

best protein powders for crossfit 2023

Which Protein Powder Has the Highest Protein-By-Weight Ratio?

Which Protein Powder Has the Highest Protein-By-Weight Ratio?

Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate has a protein-by-weight ratio of 82%, meaning there are 28 grams of protein per 34 gram scoop​.

This ratio means that for every 34 grams scoop of this protein powder, you get 28 grams of protein. In other words, 82% of the weight of the powder is pure protein.

This is a relatively high percentage compared to many other protein powders on the market, making it a very protein-dense choice.

In addition to its high protein content, Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate also stands out due to its commitment to clean, straightforward ingredients. The product is made from naturally fed, hormone-free whey and is free of artificial sweeteners, food dyes, gluten, and preservatives.

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Using a protein powder with a high protein-by-weight ratio can be beneficial for individuals looking to increase their protein intake without consuming unnecessary calories or other nutrients.

This makes Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate an excellent choice for those focusing on muscle recovery and growth, as well as for those who are keeping a close eye on their macronutrient intake​.

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