
Strength Sports and Strength Supplements

best creatine with HMB

Is Creatine Really Better With HMB?

What is HMB?

Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB) is a chemical that is made when the body breaks down leucine. Leucine is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein.

HMB is one of the most impressive sports dietary supplements, and was hugely popular in the early 2000s.

It fell out of popularity because of patent infringements by many of the top supplement brands – with them ultimately deciding not to pay for the ingredient.

The licensed version of HMB (which we use) costs 800% more than unlicensed and is one of the most expensive ingredients in all of the Transparent Labs product lineup.

Many decide to leave it out of their formula however, they feel the ingredient is too good to pass up.

HMB is even more impressive when combined with creatine. The two complement each other, balancing out weaknesses each alone may have.

Together, the two ingredients showed improved gains on lean body mass and strength (as measured by lower body compound movements).

Best Creatine With HMB

StrengthSeries Creatine HMB includes ingredients at clinically effective dosages and contains zero artificial sweeteners, colored dyes, unnecessary fillers, or harmful additives. 

When combined, Creatine monohydrate and HMB have been shown to enhance strength, increase endurance, decrease fat mass, and prevent lean muscle loss. The added BioPerine® increases bioavailability and absorption.