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Men Did Greater Things When it Was Harder To See Boobs

Men Did Greater Things When it Was Harder To See Boobs

Although the statement “Men did greater things when it was harder to see boobs” is somewhat humorous and provocative, there is underlying discussion to be had regarding how societal values, distractions, and motivations have shifted over time.

Each person will have their own individual interpretation to this statement, but it is hard to argue with the fact that men indeed did greater things when sexual images of women were not immediately accessible at any moment.

Below we have 4 reasons why:

1. Focus on Long-Term Goals:

Historical Context:

In eras when sexual imagery was less prevalent and accessible, people might have been more inclined to focus on long-term goals such as achievements, artistic masterpieces, or the development of political systems.

Psychological Aspects:

The concept of delayed gratification could play a role here. According to the famous “Marshmallow Test,” those who are willing to delay immediate pleasure for long-term benefit tend to do better in various life outcomes.

Relevant Data:

The idea of delayed gratification has been studied in depth. For instance, a study from Stanford University showed that children who could delay gratification performed better academically and had healthier lifestyles later in life (Stanford Marshmallow Experiment).

2. Limited Distractions:

Historical Context:

In the past, without the constant influx of entertainment and distractions (like the internet), individuals may have channeled more energy into productive pursuits.

Psychological Aspects:

The psychology of attention explains how distractions can deplete cognitive resources. Constant exposure to frivolous stimuli could potentially make it harder to focus on complicated tasks.

Relevant Data:

A study from the University of California, Irvine, indicates that it takes an average of 23 minutes to regain focus after a distraction (Source).

Why Men Think About The Roman Empire So Often
Why Men Think About The Roman Empire So Often

3. Cultural Emphasis on Intellectual and Artistic Pursuits:

Historical Context:

In certain historical periods, societal norms and values were more geared towards intellectual and artistic accomplishments. Access to “easy entertainment” was limited, and so, individuals were often more committed to loftier ambitions.

Psychological Aspects:

Social approval and community standing have been powerful motivators throughout history. When these rewards are tied to intellectual or creative pursuits, it encourages more effort in these directions.

Relevant Data:

The phenomenon of motivation by social approval has been backed by various sociological studies. The book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini provides numerous examples (Source).

4. Different Social and Economic Context:

Historical Context:

The struggles for survival and societal development in less convenient times required innovation and courage, which often led to significant accomplishments.

Psychological Aspects:

The struggle for survival often serves as a powerful motivator, driving innovation and excellence in various fields.

Relevant Data:

Historical analyses often point to periods of hardship as catalysts for advancement, whether it’s technological innovation during wars or artistic flourishing during societal upheavals.


While the notion that men achieved more when it was “harder to see boobs” is humorous, it opens the door to the larger discussion about how our motivations, distractions, and societal norms have shifted over time.


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