
Strength Sports and Strength Supplements

Open 20.5

Streat Hoerner 20.5 Split Times

This Thursday 2x Crossfit Games competitor and 2017’s 14th fittest man on Earth Streat Hoerner battled 2x Crossfit Games competitor and 2018’s 9th fittest man on Earth Willy Georges in France for the live announcement of 20.5.

For time, partitioned any way:
40 muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.


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Unfortunately we were not able to record Georges’ split times as well due to the camera views given during the live announcement, but we do have Hoerner’s 20.5 split times below.

Crossfit Open 20.5 Strategy

While watching the workout live it looked like Hoerner would go to almost failure on his ring muscle ups and then move on to a big set for his wall balls, followed by the row in order to recover.

Hoerner will likely redo this workout with a new strategy as will many of the top level athletes.

A great strategy idea was thrown out earlier by Brent Fikowski. He advised most people getting rid of the ring muscle ups as soon as possible and focusing on the two easier movements – wall balls and cal row.

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